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Yet another exciting Edition of our Youths and Cadets Chess Championships
This is an Open FIDE Rated Section for all boys and girls born in 2006 and after
Participants in this Section should have a FIDE ID. (Please contact your National Associations for this)
Age categories in this Section are , U14,U16 and U18

3rd Botswana International Youths and Cadets Chess Championships - Open

Last update 03.11.2024 05:36:11, Creator/Last Upload: Botswana Chess-Federation

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Starting rank

1Mpene, ThutoBOT1908U16Moselewapula JSS
2Kaitano, IshmaelZIM1756U18Cheziya High School
3Nalamalpu, Eesha ReddyBOT1735U14Chess Interactions
4Ofile, MasiloBOT1672U16Young Grandmsters
5Bartlett, EzraBOT1655U14Legae Academy
6Maxen, TakundaZIM1609U18Cheziya High School
7Aone, MoreiBOT1519U16Moroka Chess Academy
8Wu, ZeyinBOT1502U14BattleSquares Chess School
9Clyde, MolosiwaBOT1498U14Francistown School of Chess
10Mutema, EzywellZIM1485U14Cheziya High School
11Moshoboro, AdeolaBOT1469U12Kidz Academy International
12Ananda, HariharanBOT0U14Legae Academy
13Baleseng, KutloBOT0U14Ngwaketse JSS
14Botlogile, JohnBOT1722U16Kgari Sechele
15Charlie, TheoBOT0U16Naledi Senior School
16Gadzikwa, ArnoldZIM0U14Cheziya High School
17Keoletile, NgwaoBOT0U8Battle Squares
18Koloane, Kopano EnerstBOT0Sozin Chess
19Kovvuri, Revant ReddyBOT0U14Northside
20Kusane, Reatile BlessingBOT0U14Nanogang JSS
21Kusane, Tshiamiso EbenezerBOT0U16Naledi Senior School
22Mallentze, LarrenBOT0U18Francistown School Of Chess
23Manda, OtsileBOT0U18Francistown School Of Chess
24Mangate, MarshallBOT0U14Gabane Chess Academy
25Marshall, MangateBOT0U14Gabane Chess Academy
26Martin, DeonBOT0U12Legae Academy
27Marumo, ThutoBOT0U14St Joseph Primary
28Mensah, OwurakuBOT0U14St Joseph Primary
29Metshe, LaronaBOT0U18Francistown School Of Chess
30Mfaladi, TyroneBOT0U14TLCS
31Modisenyane, KaoneBOT0U14Moroka Chess Academy
32Mompati, Boago TaoBOT0U18Kidz Academy International
33Mompe, Patrick Junior KhumoetsileBOT0U18Gaborone Senior School
34Motsisi, ThaboBOT0U16Naledi Senior School
35Motswasele, AbangBOT0U08St Marie's
36Motswasele, TshenoloBOT0U12St Marie's
37Moumakwa, LefaBOT0U16Francistown School Of Chess
38Mudaki, GeraldZIM0U18Cheziya High School
39Mutendi, AnesuZIM0U16Cheziya High School
40Nkomo, UlathiBOT0U16Legae Academy
41Otlaadisa, JohaneBOT0U16Mphuthe JSS
42Raditloko, AbangBOT0U14Livingstone Kolobeng
43Samson, EmmersonZIM0U14Cheziya High School
44Sebitla, Theo MaatlaBOT0U16Naledi Senior School
45Suresh, Babu GouthamBOT0U14Moroka Chess Academy
46Talane, AbrahamBOT0U14Fracistown School of Chess
47Wandile, NyathiZIM0U14Chess Knights Academy
48Wu, YuhaoBOT0U14Legae Academy